We learned a lot. The kids learned that if they get too close to the well, a white haired man will come out and terrify them away, telling them that if they fell in there would be no way to get them out again.
My sister and I learned that the plantation was originally owned by Robert E. Lee's grandfather, Henry Lee II and later his uncle, Richard Bland Lee. We also learned that Henry Lee's wife and first lady of the home, Lucy Grymes, was reknowned for her great beauty (she was known as the Lowland Beauty). She received a marriage proposal from George Washington, but she considered him too poor to be suitable. She lived to see him become the nation's hero. Talk about a road not taken experience.
The kids seemed to absorb that the Lees lived with a white squirrel as a household pet. I am certain they at least took notice of the stuffed albino creature.
We saw all the bedrooms.
My favorite was the girls' (neices to the Lees) room; this photo does not capture why.
This is the downstairs study. Cordelia, the older niece, was married in this room and the room was set up as it was the day of her wedding. That green sofa was there that day, too. Don't you love it? I loved this room, and the original sofa and the wedding story and set-up made me love it more.
We learned that the schoolhouse was in a large room upstairs. They used the McGuffy Eclectic Readers, the same I used as a 4th grader at Fairfax Christian School.
(I recognized even then what a tremendous education that school was, and if it is still the same now as it was then, I will do whatever it takes to send my kids there.) Why would any school use anything aside from McGuffy's?
The kids got to try out the hornbooks, the slate boards etc.
We learned about making thread and yarn. This was Andrew's favorite room.
We talked about the contrast btwn the master house and the slave quarters.
We realized that our tour was way too long for little kids and that we lacked the skills to properly assist our guide in giving us a redacted version. His method of redaction was to go on and on and on about a few rooms and then not show us the kitchen at all
We learned that there is a Costco 5 minutes from the Plantation and it is a perfect place for 5 hungry boys, one other boy and a girl to eat lunch.
We will be back soon. Make that volunteer tour guide earn his money.
Wow, you and Missy are what I consider brave and adventurous moms. I, on the other hand, am trying my darndest to raise hermits. I keep reading blogs of local moms going to fun spots like this and feel a twinge of guilt for not loading my kids in the car. Of course, had I taken my children to Sully plantation, you would have seen us on CNN. Surely one of my children would have gotten stuck down in the well. See you tomorrow!
What a wonderful day! The boys will remember more than you think. I am so glad you are close to cousins. I can see how much Andrew and Will love them!
Last September we took the kids to Nauvoo. Every historic house we went in to tour, the first thing we said was, "Please give us the toddler version of the tour." Some of them did better at that than others, but it usually worked pretty well!
This looks like a really cool place!
We had such a nice time with you guys as always, Toby.
Did you notice that Sam and Andrew were holding hands throughout the tour? What a wonderful friendship they share.
Love, Missy
I did notice that about Sam and Andrew. It would almost be downright alarming if it weren't just so cute. You should see the other photos I didn't post. I will email them to you. Sam and Andrew are not going to like them in about 10 years.
I wish we had something like this nearby. (Maybe we do. I am admittedly not the most informed Utah dweller.)
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