The kids are half dressed. We ate the first meal of the day at 10:30 ("Brunch!" I try to tell myself encouragingly). Will has been sleeping like he is part of a torture system designed to break me. Taxes are due. I cannot download the DC tax forms. Doing it will be complicated anyway since Brig's employer (the Federal Government) waited months to record the change in residence from DC to Va, so we have improper withholdings in each state). I am terrible at math. I am hopeless with computers. I am not allowed to be on the computer when my kids are awake, under penalty of toddlers destroying it. Will constantly smells like he is rotting. This is because his tube is. His tube that won't stay closed and spills stomach contents all over him and the house, which now smell like they are rotting, too. I want to pull the tube out, but I know this is only to help give me an outlet to my frustration with it so I don't since i know it is best for Will to smell like he is rotting and spill stomach contents on everything and soak all of his clothes and have to be changed every few hours because at least he gets fed. So instead I vented by calling the tube a "freaking tube!", which at least had the benefit of making Andrew laugh and then led to a teaching moment when he asked me if freaking was a bad word. I told him it was. He told me that I should just take a deep breath. I guess that was teaching moment #2.
The end.
I think you should got to H&R or something. Not sure what to do about the rotting smell. Sorry you are having a bad day.
Wow, I'm sorry. I hope you figure out the tube and the taxes soon! You're great for finding teaching moments in this, Alexandra!
Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, our house smells like rotting too because the basement carpet is mildewy from Spring rain flooding. And that isn't doing my babies any good!
You have my deepest sympathies on Tax day! I hate everything to do with taxes, which makes my decision to take Tax I and II in law school all the more puzzling...
I am impressed that on a day like that you were charming enough to pull together a brunch! It cracks me up that you were doing your taxes today. That is sad about the tube. I hope he doesn't need it for much longer!
I love you. And if this story had been written by me, it would have been rated PG-13 and the conversation I would have had with my son would have been considerably longer and more embarrassing for me.
sorry about the rotting situation....but how adorable that Andrew told you to take a deep breath. What a sweet boy! and if "Freaking" is the worst that your kids have heard come out of your are doing pretty freaking good!
I did our fed taxes on the 14th. I didnt realize until that morning that the DC taxes were due the same day. We have a very easy return (we own nothing, only one person works etc.).
Lesson 3 was that my visiting teacher reads this blog and cares about me!
I do care. A lot. And so does your home teacher.
I love how Andrew told you to take a deep breath. Let me know if you need a longer breath.
I need to be more careful in my blogging! I realize after fielding lots of concerned calls that I must have sounded really distressed, rather than laughing about stress. And my comment about my VT caring about me was also playful. And I meant to put home teacher, since it was pretty unexpected that he would be checking in on my blog! Thanks for all the support everyone!
I could do your taxes for you, but I doubt that would be much help. : ) I have education in accounting/basic tax filing but no experience. lol.
I love little Will and pray he won't need his tube much longer!
Thank goodness taxes are over. I am of the opinion that people would be much better at paying their taxes (yes, even the nanny and housekeeper taxes) if it weren't so darn complicated and stressful.
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