Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Book Plug: The Wall by Peter Sis

We had a great visit with Momo and Grandpa last week which I still need to record here, but in the meantime I thought I would make a book recommendation. It was written by a man who grew up behind the Iron Curtain. I was shocked that it won awards, not because they were undeserved (they were very very deserved) but because the book seemed to me to be so politically incorrect. And by that I mean that finally someone is writing something true about communism rather than trying to apologize for it, minimize its threat, or otherwise blame America for the Cold War.

Communism, more than any other economic-political philosophy, has done more damage in the name of "compassion" than any other in modern history. It exemplifies one of the reasons why all the talk about compassion in politics grates on me: it seems to tend to have the opposite effect than intended.

The book is for kids, but I think that adults would do well to read it, too. I really think that the average college student would come away with a better understanding of life in the Soviet Union after taking 10 minutes to read this book than they do after four years of higher education. Unfortunately, I am not even exaggerating for affect.


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

I am very interested in this. Especially after having lived in Ukraine. I will add it to my list. Thanks for your recommendation. (:

Mer Swift said...

I interviewed Peter Sis! Well, no, actually. But, the professor I worked for did, and I was the one that had to transcribe the interview, and I had to listen to it over and over again (each and every line of the interview) in order to really understand him through his accent. The interview took place with the publishing of The Wall, so much of the interview focused on it. It's a great book. Totally agree.

Michelle said...

you're too smart for me.

Unknown said...

I'll have to find this book. It sounds really good!

I can't wait to see pictures of Momo and Grandpa's visit. We were so jealous of you guys!

Momo Cannon said...

We miss you all. It was a great visit for us but not quite long enough! Love, Momo

Tat said...

Does this mean you think I should stop wearing my Nehru jacket?

Ollie and Floyd said...

Well said, Unc -- how did you find the book?