Monday, June 16, 2008

We're So Glad When Daddy Comes Home

I just wanted to record that the other day, when loudly opening a can of soda in my kitchen, Andrew heard the tell-tale crack of the can and came streaking happily from his room crying, "Daddy's here! Daddy's here!"

Poor Brig really does drink a constant stream of coke. I used to get mildly annoyed at how much we spent on Diet Lime Coke until I realized that it is what pays all our bills.


Michelle said...

that's so funny that Andrew thought Brig was home because a can got opened. That is so cute. Whatcha doin' tomorrow?

Ashley said...

That is Pavlovian and beuatiful. I like Brig more the more I know him through your blog. I am drinking with a vengence to make up for all the coke I had to cut when pregnant. It's lifeblood.

Paul said...

That's funny.

Andrea, Mrs. said...

*smacks hand to forehead*


Lyndsay said...

I've referred the husband to this post regarding my chain drinking of Cherry Coke Zero. As vices go, it really is pretty harmless.