My mom took the phone to the repair store, but they claimed that the photos were beyond reach, took the phone and gave her a replacement. I was devastated when I heard the news. All those memories . . . And I was positive there had to be a way. But now my phone was no longer in my possession. I called the store that had the phone, but they claimed to have already shipped it out and that it would be impossible to ever find it again.
I was heartbroken, but had a hard time believing the phone would be shipped out that very day. It didn't make business sense to ship out every single evening. Persistance paid off and a week later, after several trips to retrieve the phone and being told it was no longer mine and they would not trade the new phone for the old and many calls to upper management, they finally admitted that they had not shipped the phone and I could take it back. Great customer service.
Once I had the phone back in my possession, Brigham solved all my problems by purchasing a download program that pulled everything off. Here is a sampling of photos that would have been lost forever.

Will's first time in a swing, March 14 208

On a walk a few days before Will was born. A very special memory for me.