Old enough for school, at least. Well, just Andrew. Will is doing a year of a home preschool co-op with some other moms, and I think it is going to be perfect. Andrew in his uniform, Porter in an outfit Andrew used to wear at that age. I bought it in Salt Lake City and it feels like 2 years ago.

There actually was a really sweet moment just after I captured this one where the boys were all embracing one another, but this is what I have.

The water fountain is a big deal among these guys.

I think, despite how much I long to swipe his hair back off his forehead, that this photo really captures how he was feeling: excited and nervous.

We sneeked back to peek in on him. This is the back of his little head at his table.

I was so consumed with taking photos and being on time etc that I didn't feel my goodbye hug and kiss was meaningful enough. After he went in, I wanted to snatch him back for a big long tight squeeze. But it was too late. I cried on the drive home and avoided looking at the baby pictures of him around the basement. Three o'clock came surprisingly fast.