My mother-in-law gave us one of their ward cookbooks when we were first married. I tend to really like those types of cookbooks: they are tried and true and typically easy and practical. I have always been tempted by, but afraid to try, Cheeze-It Chicken. Well, we made it a few weeks ago and I am sticking by it forever, particularly since I purchased a ton of Cheeze-its from Costco on an impulse a few months ago.
The boys pound up their baggies full of cheeze-its using toy hammers while I rub sour cream on defrosted, dry chicken breasts. Then we pour the cheeze-it crumbs on top (you can either spread crumbs on both sides or just dump them on top; it is a forgiving recipe--quite a shock, I know.)
Cook on 350 (uncovered) for 30 min. Remove and pour a T or 2 of melted butter on top and replace for another 30. Since I use those bags of Costco frozen chicken, my cooking time is considerably less. Also, you can skip the butter step. It just means that your coating will be a little drier.
The Cheeze-It Chicken was discovered in pursuit of some larger goals I created for myself during our Utah vacation (to make real dinners instead of just warming up hot dogs, macaroni or nuggets--which I will still do, a lot, but not exclusively anymore. Poor Brig needs something real to eat, and cheeze-it chicken qualifies!)
Another goal I made was to take one photo a day. I wouldn't fuss about it being super quality or anything like that. I am proud to report that I have been able to do it, and plan on maintaining it for a year. I have fallen short in posting them every day on my real top-secret online journal to which only I have access, but I will try to at least play catch up.
Here was us today.
andrew looks so different with that short hair. he looks so much older. what a cutie. I miss you guys! what a great goal of taking pictures. I can't believe how much older your kids look in just the past couple of months. Love you.
What a cute little bench for two adorable little boys! I like that cook book a lot too. I'll have to try the Cheeze It Chicken.
I will have to try your recipe. Since getting married, I have a new found love for collecting recipes. Collecting is the key word in that last sentence. Actually making them is a whole other feat, but this one sounds doable. Thanks for sharing and your little boys are so cute, Allie. Kent and I need to visit DC one of these days.
I'm glad the chicken turned out well. I really loved the picture of Will, he looks pretty quirky, but adorable.
I didn't have Cheeze Its so Goldfish Chicken is in my oven as we speak. I'll report back later.
Yes I really made it. I'm that desperate. Charlie ate it, Max refused. It was pretty bad!
I am pretty much on the exclusive hot dog, nuggets, and mac n cheese plan too. One great trick though is to buy the ham steaks at Costco--they come in a 3 pack for about 10 bucks--in the meat section by the whole hams. You keep em in the freezer then just throw one in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Then you get your mac n cheese going and you've got a real dinner. Try them!
i love cheez-its! that sounds delicious! for real! what a cute little pic of little wilbur. he's scrumptious
I think I might try the cheeze-it chicken. It sounds like something my kids would eat. I've got one kid that loves salmon, guacomole, basically adult food and two chubby boys that love dino nuggets and basically all things junk food.
Is your husband related to George Cannon who went to Highland high school?
I so, so want to be out of our nugget, macoroni, or quesadilla rut. Usually I just make Henry one of the above and make Josh and myself a somewhat better meal. But I did get Henry to eat brown rice last night, I told him it was baby pasta, I guess it is all about perception sometimes...
If you ever find gluten-free Cheeze-Its, let me know.
Meanwhile, in other news, I miss you.
great candid pictures of your boys! and i'm so impressed that you started a political blog! you are so smart and eloquent.
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