Me: Can you believe that Will is going to be 18 months already? The time has gone so fast. He is growing up way too quickly . . . (lost in nostalgia way out of proportion to event)
Brig: Poor nursery workers.
I stayed with Will for the first half hour before sneaking out. I kept waiting for someone to bring my tear-stained baby to me during R.S., but nobody ever did.
As I was typing about how Brave he was and how he Shed Not a Tear, Brigham informed me casually, "Oh yes he did. A lot of tears." But they never brought him to me! Off-handedly, (his characteristic tone--even when he is making plea arrangements with defendants, I am sure) "That's because we have really good nursery leaders."
And we do.
wow! this 18 months has gone by so quickly! He's so adorable! I just love him!
Seriously - he's 18 months?? He does look all grown-up, and he's very handsome. He's a great kid (I was going to say baby, but maybe that is n/a now) Yay for nursery and nice workers.
It breaks my heart that so many tears were shed. Please say he's all adjusted and loves it now. I can't wait for Max to go to nursery in August. It boggles my mind to think of sitting through two hours of church instead of wrestling kids in the hall. It sounds glorious.
Congratulations on freedom. My countdown to nursery always began at about nine months, when my children learned how to scream and arch their backs to get away and explore people's purses. It is enough to make anyone go inactive. Actually, I would pace the halls with Andrew so much that someone thanked Brooke for reactivating me when she moved into the ward. I was offended to say the least, especially since I HAD been there, just following Andrew up and down the hallways. Brooke moved in the same time Andrew entered nursery. Nursery is a milestone! Now you just have to endure the few primary programs and times that the primary is singing for the congregation where Will realizes that only Andrew gets to go up and he doesn't, before Will goes to primary and you are home free!
Well, Ellie is now 19 months and has yet to go through a whole nursery by herself. We are often brought a tear stained baby. Maybe we should go to your nursery.
It really has gone by fast, hasn't it?
How dear he is!
I have grown a real appreciation for nursery leaders! They are marvelous. That is crazy that Will is old enough to be in nursery. He looks so handsome in his Sunday clothes!
I can't believe it is time for Nursery already! Anna isn't too far behind! Yay! I'm not so sure she will not be brought to me, though.
could you send some of those nursery workers our way?
When we were nursery workers, we much preferred to have parents leave their kids to let them cry it out. We had many a nursery convert among our nursery kids. Usually it only took one time--let's hope Will experiences the same!
He looks absolutely darling in these photos, and even more so in person!
Caleb just began his nursery days. It isn't going so well. At least the two of them can cry together. Those nursery workers are troopers.
Theo was suspended from nursery on his first day after about 5 minutes. I think that's because they didn't have enough workers that day and they had a LOT of crying kids.
Ever since then, he has loved it. OK, for the first few months he cried every time. But eventually he loved it. Now that nursery is during nap time, sometimes he cries for a minute at first.
Our nursery workers are saints!
Way to go! I love nursery.
Will is so cute--I love his hair. I am already nervous for nursery for Ryan--he is SUCH a baby. I just threw my other two in and never looked back but I already dread dropping off Ryan.
I loved your post about the people selling their home. It has got to be so hard to leave a home they have lived in their whole lives. I want to buy their home just for the backyard. (If you saw mine, you'd understand!)
Oh, and I totally laughed at your Buster reference. I can see it--we love Arrested Development.
Ahhh...those are the best type of leaders. I hated it when they would bring my kids to me only after 2 minutes of crying. I was once stick in nursery for 6 MONTHS with my kid b/c they wouldn't let her cry a few minutes to test it out! Being a nursery leader MANY times and currently....I have to say Brooke's method is the best...just drop them off and NEVER look back! They will adjust, they all do!
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